With more apps and other cool stuff.
That's all.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
It's currently 1:00 AM on Monday night (technically Tuesday morning). Phone is down due to updating firmware and unlocking, and now the phone won't even start. I won't be receiving any calls or texts, so if you send me any of those and not get a reply or answer, then this is why. Problem should be fixed tomorrow around 6-8 PM. Bare with me while I bare with not having a phone half of the day.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Be a friend and click on the bottom banner and sign up. Read all the info on the site. It's pretty neat. Search the internet, win "swagbucks" aka internet money, and get prizes. Like legit prizes. Just click and sign up. Do it for me. K, thanks.
Also, by clicking on my banner, you'll be signing up under my referral, so I get points and you get points by telling people to sign up under your referral. Pyramid schemes FTW!!!!!! But yeah, please sign up. Thanks.

UPDATE: Referral link was messed up before. I fixed the link now.
Also, by clicking on my banner, you'll be signing up under my referral, so I get points and you get points by telling people to sign up under your referral. Pyramid schemes FTW!!!!!! But yeah, please sign up. Thanks.

UPDATE: Referral link was messed up before. I fixed the link now.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
New url.
Not that it really matters anyway. Although it's much better than /fuckyouiamsandy, which was done on a drunken night, I'm sure.
Not that it really matters anyway. Although it's much better than /fuckyouiamsandy, which was done on a drunken night, I'm sure.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Weddings are fun.
Saturday was Mike and Jen's wedding. Couldn't be any more happy for them. I'm very honored to be apart of the special occassion, as in being one of the groomsmen. I got partnered up with Aida, and that was great because she's the only bridesmaid I know from the bunch. I think we did a good job, other than the speed walking versus the slow motion walk and the half-assed "dance routine" introduction. Hahaha. I only say it's half-assed because it is compared to everyone else's. But ours ruled even at that. I also had a quick 30-secondish cameo on Mike's "Dangerous" routine, and it turned out okay but very sloppy, even though I haven't practiced or stretched in more than a week due to my knee injury (which was still injured at the time, and NOW). I also got to reunite with my long time, once best friend since 5th grade to high school days, Philip. Goooood times. Then I spent $67 at the bar. When I went home to change out of the tux rental so I could return it back to Mike since he lives near the rental shop, my mom happened to be up at the time to use the restroom and smelled beer in my breath and asked if I have been drinking. Hahaha. I think that's the first time ever that I got caught driving home while intoxicated. The funny part is, I left home again quickly after that.
Weddings are fun. Congrats to Mike and Jen once again.
Pictures are on my space.
Weddings are fun. Congrats to Mike and Jen once again.
Pictures are on my space.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Osh Kosh B'Gosh.
So I haven't been updating this thing lately. I think a lot has happened, but I guess I was just too lazy to post. Let's see, to sum it all up:
- My body took a beating from breaking and riding.
- I got a minor tan, but I'm still white as fuck.
- I got new clothes.
- I took the pegs off my bike.
- I think I recracked my cracked elbow.
- There's a huge bird shit on my car.
- I still don't have a Facebook or Twitter.
- I've been falling asleep sitting upwards at work.
- I ate McDonalds breakfast this morning and I feel like shit.
- I'm a groomsman at a wedding this Saturday.
- I'm broke even though I just got paid last Friday.
- I'm still 24, unfortunately.
Friday, July 10, 2009
Remember The Time(s)...
So this whole Michael Jackson thing didn't really hit me THAT hard yet when it happened. Maybe because he was still kinda in the shadows, not really doing anything huge lately, other than preparing for his comeback concerts (but that's still pretty underground). But I watched the Memorial thing on Youtube, since I couldn't watch it live cause I had to work, and THAT finally made me realized he's really gone. Call me a pussy or whatever, but I cried/teared up on his daughter's part, the end of "Will You Be There?", end of Usher's performance, Brooke Shields' speech, Marlon Jackson's speech, video of when he was 10 in Jackson 5 singing "Who's Loving You"... heck, that's pretty much almost the whole thing.
Did I really need two Michael Jackson blog entries? Yes.
I'll miss you, MJ.

"In our darkest hour,
In my deepest despair,
Will you still care?
Will you be there?
In my trials and my tribulations,
Through our doubts and frustrations,
In my violence,
In my turbulence,
Through my fear and my confessions,
In my anguish and my pains,
Through my joy and my sorrow,
In a promise of another tomorrow,
I'll never let you part,
For you're always in my heart."
Did I really need two Michael Jackson blog entries? Yes.
I'll miss you, MJ.

"In our darkest hour,
In my deepest despair,
Will you still care?
Will you be there?
In my trials and my tribulations,
Through our doubts and frustrations,
In my violence,
In my turbulence,
Through my fear and my confessions,
In my anguish and my pains,
Through my joy and my sorrow,
In a promise of another tomorrow,
I'll never let you part,
For you're always in my heart."
Sunday, July 5, 2009
San Diegooooo Zooooooooo!
So I spent my 4th of July fireworkless. But to make up for it, Lizzy B and I went to San Diego Zoo to spend it with the animals! And that was way more awesome than fireworks... If you have never been to the zoo drunk, you're missing out. I saw animals I didn't remember seeing until I looked at the pictures today. Haha. We bought matching tie dye shirts, gorilla tank tops, gorilla iron-on patch, and a smashed penny souvenir. I have a shitload of pictures (188 to be exact, plus Liz has more), but I'm too lazy to post any right now. Oh yeah, the greatest parts about going on drunken adventures is... well, you're drunk and you don't give a fuck... but the worse parts are when you lose things without knowing! I lost $100. I had 5 folded up $20 bills in my wallet, and by the end of the night when I needed to use it, it was no where to be found. :( Not only that, I also lost my parking validation ticket stub thing when we parked in a parking structure at a main street to go eat. Guess how much it costed me for a Lost Ticket Fee? $48!!! I don't even think parking at that lot all day would cost $48, and we were only there for like an hour. The awesome day ended with a crazy night. Haha. I don't remember what time I dropped off Liz at her house, but by the time I got back to mine, I parked my car, shut off the car, and... passed out with my seatbelt still on. Hahaha. I woke up at around 4:40 AM and realized the situation, so I walked into my house and crashed on my bed. And that concludes another wonderful adventure of Lizzy B and Sandy P. :)
Thursday, July 2, 2009
My little hero in a half shelf.
My turtle died earlier this morning when everyone was still sleeping. I saw it alive before I went to bed last night, and woke up and saw it dead before I left to work.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
"Still drunk on a dream..."
I just came back from the final Castledoor residency show of June at the Spaceland. The band was awesome like always. They did a special Michael Jackson tribute by covering "Rock With You" which killed the show (in a good way). They gave out 100 free tote bags. I don't use tote bags because I'm not gay and I don't go grocery shopping (and if I do, I'll use the plastic bags the market provides), but I'm pinning that on my wall. I also bought one of their shirts... which was a one of a kind baby blue tie dyed shirt! Now for the record, I used to own a shitload of band shirts, and now I don't own any because I either sold them or... well, sold them. So now all I have is this awesome tie dyed Castledoor shirt, which I'm pretty stoked on.
On Saturday, Danny and I went thrift shopping and I bought two jackets. Yeah, I know, buying jackets on the beginning of summer is as retarded as retarded can get, but if you saw what jackets they were, you'd buy it too. One is a Members Only jacket for $4. And a dope ass leather jacket for $15! The leather jacket is so dope, I wore it THAT night after I bought it. Thank god for the chilly summer night. Don't get me wrong though, I always clean the clothes I buy at thrift stores before wearing them.... but... yeah, I don't really have anything to prove about wearing it without washing it first. Anyway, that night, we went to this:

I had a whole damn six pack of Red Stripes. Not only that, Kim gave me two cases of Red Stripes to take home, so now I have 24 bottles with me. I don't know if that makes me any more (definitely not any less) of an alcoholic, but I usually don't keep alcohol at home minus the Jager in my freezer and the three bottles of wine in the cabinet that I rarely touch. Now that I have all these beer, I don't know what's going to happen...
It's now 1:14 AM, and I should be sleeping. Thanks to Independence for having a birthday, I don't have work on Friday, and most likely will have a half day on Thursday. Then Saturday will be just pure awesome. Pure. Awe. Some.
On Saturday, Danny and I went thrift shopping and I bought two jackets. Yeah, I know, buying jackets on the beginning of summer is as retarded as retarded can get, but if you saw what jackets they were, you'd buy it too. One is a Members Only jacket for $4. And a dope ass leather jacket for $15! The leather jacket is so dope, I wore it THAT night after I bought it. Thank god for the chilly summer night. Don't get me wrong though, I always clean the clothes I buy at thrift stores before wearing them.... but... yeah, I don't really have anything to prove about wearing it without washing it first. Anyway, that night, we went to this:

I had a whole damn six pack of Red Stripes. Not only that, Kim gave me two cases of Red Stripes to take home, so now I have 24 bottles with me. I don't know if that makes me any more (definitely not any less) of an alcoholic, but I usually don't keep alcohol at home minus the Jager in my freezer and the three bottles of wine in the cabinet that I rarely touch. Now that I have all these beer, I don't know what's going to happen...
It's now 1:14 AM, and I should be sleeping. Thanks to Independence for having a birthday, I don't have work on Friday, and most likely will have a half day on Thursday. Then Saturday will be just pure awesome. Pure. Awe. Some.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
There is only one King.
During work today, I went on the internet to check my personal email. On the front page of Yahoo, I saw that there's a breaking news regarding Michael Jackson about how he was brought to the hospital because he was found not breathing. I literally stayed on the Yahoo and CNN news sites refreshing by the minute for an hour straight. It was not official that he died. Yahoo posted up that he died even before CNN posted, but that was only up for like 5 minutes, then it was switched back to him being sent to the hospital due to a cardiac arrest. It sucks, because I grew up as a Michael Jackson fan. As some may know, I never consider myself a fan of anything (but a "supporter"), but I can honestly say I am a fan of Michael Jackson. Everything from his music to his dancing to his live performances. He IS the king and a legend of music and dance. Anyway, so after I saw that Yahoo changed their breaking news article back to that "he's not dead", I was in a relief and went back to working on my work. I then went back to the site a couple minutes later for an update, and then it's official. The King of Pop is dead... You may love him or hate him, but I know for a fact that he's inspired everyone at least once in their lifetime. He will definitely be missed, but never forgotten.
Rest In Peace, Mr. King Of Pop.
Rest In Peace, Mr. King Of Pop.

Monday, June 15, 2009
Lost Vegas.
Going to Vegas one month later wasn't really a great idea. I mean, I had fun, but it seemed like I did so much the time I was there last month that I got tired of everything quick. But, I had fun. I think all weekend, I slept like 5-6 hours altogether. We did get to do a bunch of fun stuff that I didn't do last month like going to the Shark Reef at Mandalay Bay and watching the KA Cirque Du Soleil show at MGM. I took a lot of fish pictures (at Shark Reef) for some reason and nothing else on the trip. KA was cool, but a bit on the expensive side. I think it was just worth 75% of how much the actual ticket costed. I think I would've enjoyed it more if I wasn't holding in piss in my bladder for about an hour and a half. And when I finally couldn't hold it anymore, and had to walk through the aisle, having people scrunch their legs so I could go through to my restroom destination... I missed the finale of the show when I came back out! Well, I guess I didn't miss THAT much because I got to see the fireworks and fire stuff and stuff... stuff... but I missed whatever led to that part. Oh well. I was too intoxicated to even know what the storyline was anyway. And then later on that night, I lost like 1-3 $20 bills because it fell out of my pocket. I don't know how many $20 bills there were folded up because I was drunk, like I've mentioned before. Then when we got back to our hotel/casino, I put $5 in the Wheel Of Fortune slot machine and won $16.25 in like 30 seconds. And that's mainly what happened this weekend.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Win/win situation.
So it was Kollaboration tonight, or last night. We won the Bboy Battles for $500. I'll be real and say I didn't think we won the first battle, but if the judges felt we did, then I guess we did? We went up against 3D on the first round and Zombie Hunters in the finals. After every judge's result, the people in the audience booed us! Haha. We were hated on, but in the end, we're the ones $500 richer and they're not. Well, not really $500, but $100 richer each person. For the record, for anyone who's complaining about the judging and how it was rigged because Win's our friend or whatever, here's the deal-- the judges were Win, Rookie (Drifters/Project Korea), and Phoenix (Rivers/Project Korea). First round battle versus 3D: all three judges picked us. Final battle against Zombie Hunters: Win said tie, Rookie and Phoenix picked us. So I don't believe anyone was favoring anyone. Anyway, everyone did great. Love to all the crews who battled. Project Korea killed it. I'm surprised they pulled that show perfectly being that the stage floor was super slanted. Professionals are professionals.
It's almost 3:30 AM, and I'm still up. Just finished packing my stuff because I'm leaving for Vegas in the morning, so I'll have to wake up at like 7:00 AM and drive to my brother's house in Huntington Beach. Debating if I want to sleep or just pull the all-nighter and sleep in the car on the way to Vegas. Oh and also, I was getting very low on funds and thought my Vegas trip this time would be shitty cause of that problem, but thanks to the win tonight (or last night), and I just found out I already got paid from work when I went to the ATM to pull out some cash. I thought I get paid on Monday, but the direct deposit is in, so that concludes my win/win situation story. The end.
It's almost 3:30 AM, and I'm still up. Just finished packing my stuff because I'm leaving for Vegas in the morning, so I'll have to wake up at like 7:00 AM and drive to my brother's house in Huntington Beach. Debating if I want to sleep or just pull the all-nighter and sleep in the car on the way to Vegas. Oh and also, I was getting very low on funds and thought my Vegas trip this time would be shitty cause of that problem, but thanks to the win tonight (or last night), and I just found out I already got paid from work when I went to the ATM to pull out some cash. I thought I get paid on Monday, but the direct deposit is in, so that concludes my win/win situation story. The end.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
This is one of the best things to happen in 2009...
I saw the Mr. Belding episode of Late Night With Jimmy Fallon, but according to the Saved By The Bell group picture with the faces, apparently AC Slater and Lisa Turtle agreed to come back for the reunion (which I've missed). Now Zack Morris and Jessie Spano. So awesome. Now all we need is Kelly Kapowski and it'll make the best thing to happen in 2009!
I know I left out Screech. Fuck Screech. He can go make some more sex videos for all anyone who cares. But if he did agree to come back too, then that would be cool. Word's already been out that he shit talked Saved By The Bell and how that show "ruined his life", so yeah... Fuck Screech.
EDIT: Youtube took down the above posted video due to copyright issues. But I guess this video will do too:
I saw the Mr. Belding episode of Late Night With Jimmy Fallon, but according to the Saved By The Bell group picture with the faces, apparently AC Slater and Lisa Turtle agreed to come back for the reunion (which I've missed). Now Zack Morris and Jessie Spano. So awesome. Now all we need is Kelly Kapowski and it'll make the best thing to happen in 2009!
I know I left out Screech. Fuck Screech. He can go make some more sex videos for all anyone who cares. But if he did agree to come back too, then that would be cool. Word's already been out that he shit talked Saved By The Bell and how that show "ruined his life", so yeah... Fuck Screech.
EDIT: Youtube took down the above posted video due to copyright issues. But I guess this video will do too:
Saturday, June 6, 2009
For the record book...
I just had my very first "Got Milk?" moment, and it sucked ass. I poured a bowl of Kix, and got the milk out from the fridge. The milk's expiration date says 06/08/09. Today is the 6th. I look into the milk and saw chunks floating.
So now I'm just eating dried Kix with a spoon.
Got milk?
So now I'm just eating dried Kix with a spoon.
Got milk?
Friday, June 5, 2009
Belated birthday present...
I am currently typing this entry with my new phone. Not just any phone... iphone! Thanks to my awesome brother and his girlfriend.
Now my Razor can really go be emo and cut itself with itself. Yes, that was a reference to my blog entry a couple entries below.
Now my Razor can really go be emo and cut itself with itself. Yes, that was a reference to my blog entry a couple entries below.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
So last night while I was out, at around 11:30 PM while my parents were sleeping, my Everlast workout ball exploded in my room. It woke my parents up, and they thought someone broke into the house. Everlast my ass. More like Neverlast. Shit, now I need a new workout ball.
I hate when the weather is shitty and gloomy. The thunder was cool, but that was about it. And if it's going to rain, why not rain harder? Now my car looks like a girl's been crying with mascara.
And also,

Legion of Doom!
I hate when the weather is shitty and gloomy. The thunder was cool, but that was about it. And if it's going to rain, why not rain harder? Now my car looks like a girl's been crying with mascara.
And also,

Legion of Doom!
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
(Copied and pasted from my myspace bulletin today.)
Today at work, I picked up a phone call from a guy who started speaking in Mandarin for a good minute before I got to cut in and say, "Sorry, I don't speak Mandarin".
Then he converts to English, I mean, broken English. (Yes, he's what's known to be a "Fob", you jerk.)
So I take his message down to forward to Attorney so-and-so, and after the whole deal, we were about to hang up. But before we do, he asks... "Wush yer nem?"
I said, "Sandy."
He replies, "Hah?! Sabell it"
So I spelled it, "S-A-N-D-Y."
Then he's got the nerve to say, "Noooo. Das not yer nem!"
I was thinking... what the fuck. Is this guy seriously telling me what's not my name? So I said "Yes, that IS my name."
His reply was, "... Ar yu a gentamen, or a laaady?"
All I said was, "Wow. Are you serious?"
Then he says, "Det nem only wumen haf. No reely men wif det nem. Haa haa..."
This guy's got insults without knowing he's insulting! I'm like getting punked at work by a broken-English speaking Taiwanese man. Sonofabitch.
But yeah...
Oh and, I didn't forward his message he left for the attorney.
Today at work, I picked up a phone call from a guy who started speaking in Mandarin for a good minute before I got to cut in and say, "Sorry, I don't speak Mandarin".
Then he converts to English, I mean, broken English. (Yes, he's what's known to be a "Fob", you jerk.)
So I take his message down to forward to Attorney so-and-so, and after the whole deal, we were about to hang up. But before we do, he asks... "Wush yer nem?"
I said, "Sandy."
He replies, "Hah?! Sabell it"
So I spelled it, "S-A-N-D-Y."
Then he's got the nerve to say, "Noooo. Das not yer nem!"
I was thinking... what the fuck. Is this guy seriously telling me what's not my name? So I said "Yes, that IS my name."
His reply was, "... Ar yu a gentamen, or a laaady?"
All I said was, "Wow. Are you serious?"
Then he says, "Det nem only wumen haf. No reely men wif det nem. Haa haa..."
This guy's got insults without knowing he's insulting! I'm like getting punked at work by a broken-English speaking Taiwanese man. Sonofabitch.
But yeah...
Oh and, I didn't forward his message he left for the attorney.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
DMV threatened to suspend me from my Chevy HHR starting in July for not paying the registration fees. Haha. I would if I STILL have it. Stupid Chevy dealer didn't take care of the DMV stuff.
I need a new phone. That's about it.
I listen to Katy Perry and Lady Gaga a lot. Bring the hate.
I got a surprise birthday party yesterday at work. I sure got a surprise cause it wasn't even my birthday! But it was cool, because I think I really fell for the "surprise". The "surprise" was... "Go pledge (clean the table with wood wax) the conference room because there's a meeting at 4." And I was like "Aww fuck."
Apparently my wrist is still pretty fucked. From that, I found out I haven't drank milk in months, so I think that's the problem. I'm starting my cereal for breakfast, lunch, and dinner diet again. That'll save me lots of money and I'll be drinking milk. Win/win situation.
I'm listening to Katy Perry right this second.
My phone sucks. It works perfectly fine; I just don't like it.
I want to thank Memorial for having a birthday this Monday so we can have a three-day weekend. And I'd hope Friday is a short day of work. That'd be awesome for my lazy-still-wishing-I-was-on-vacation self.
June 19 is the return of Legion Of Doom. Be stoked.
I cut my hair on Monday and I think it looks like shit. No one's said anything, so they're either being nice or they normally think my hair looks like shit to even care. Oh well.
I am pre-approved to get a credit card to venue.com. I don't know why, but I am. I've never even heard of venue.com till the catalog came.
The reason why I suck at going to bed early is because I type stupid shit like this when I could already be sleeping and waking up tomorrow morning without wanting to snooze for another half an hour like every morning.
Back to my surprise birthday party at work... I got a birthday card signed by everyone in the office. One said "Get on ABDC!" Is there a hidden meaning to it that's telling me "Hey, quit your job and go tryout for something you'll never win in a million years during this bad economy!"?
I saw a picture of a place I'd like to go to one day, but I don't remember what the picture looks like.
I caught a flying beetle with my water bottle yesterday. Well, I didn't know it could fly and I was pretty much taking my time messing with it before I used the bottle. If I knew it can fly, I'd probably jump and it'd be embarassing... and that fucker would've gotten away.
Many people once said to never give money to bums because all they're going to use the money on is for cigarettes and booze. Today, I saw a bum with a soda and two 7-11 hotdogs. Who's the asshole now?
The ad on myspace for the movie "Dance Flick" looks like it says "DANCE FUCK". And it looks lame, but I'd probably watch it... the pirated version.
People with facebook thinks they're so 3008, and I'm so two thousand and late because I don't have one. That was a lame one, I know.
So apparently there was an earthquake yesterday while I was at work. To me, it just felt like a water bed. That was the smoothest moving earthquake ever. I was more relaxed than panicky.
I started typing this since Wednesday, and now it's Thursday.
Katy Perry is still on.
And my Razor phone should become emo and cut itself with itself.
I need a new phone. That's about it.
I listen to Katy Perry and Lady Gaga a lot. Bring the hate.
I got a surprise birthday party yesterday at work. I sure got a surprise cause it wasn't even my birthday! But it was cool, because I think I really fell for the "surprise". The "surprise" was... "Go pledge (clean the table with wood wax) the conference room because there's a meeting at 4." And I was like "Aww fuck."
Apparently my wrist is still pretty fucked. From that, I found out I haven't drank milk in months, so I think that's the problem. I'm starting my cereal for breakfast, lunch, and dinner diet again. That'll save me lots of money and I'll be drinking milk. Win/win situation.
I'm listening to Katy Perry right this second.
My phone sucks. It works perfectly fine; I just don't like it.
I want to thank Memorial for having a birthday this Monday so we can have a three-day weekend. And I'd hope Friday is a short day of work. That'd be awesome for my lazy-still-wishing-I-was-on-vacation self.
June 19 is the return of Legion Of Doom. Be stoked.
I cut my hair on Monday and I think it looks like shit. No one's said anything, so they're either being nice or they normally think my hair looks like shit to even care. Oh well.
I am pre-approved to get a credit card to venue.com. I don't know why, but I am. I've never even heard of venue.com till the catalog came.
The reason why I suck at going to bed early is because I type stupid shit like this when I could already be sleeping and waking up tomorrow morning without wanting to snooze for another half an hour like every morning.
Back to my surprise birthday party at work... I got a birthday card signed by everyone in the office. One said "Get on ABDC!" Is there a hidden meaning to it that's telling me "Hey, quit your job and go tryout for something you'll never win in a million years during this bad economy!"?
I saw a picture of a place I'd like to go to one day, but I don't remember what the picture looks like.
I caught a flying beetle with my water bottle yesterday. Well, I didn't know it could fly and I was pretty much taking my time messing with it before I used the bottle. If I knew it can fly, I'd probably jump and it'd be embarassing... and that fucker would've gotten away.
Many people once said to never give money to bums because all they're going to use the money on is for cigarettes and booze. Today, I saw a bum with a soda and two 7-11 hotdogs. Who's the asshole now?
The ad on myspace for the movie "Dance Flick" looks like it says "DANCE FUCK". And it looks lame, but I'd probably watch it... the pirated version.
People with facebook thinks they're so 3008, and I'm so two thousand and late because I don't have one. That was a lame one, I know.
So apparently there was an earthquake yesterday while I was at work. To me, it just felt like a water bed. That was the smoothest moving earthquake ever. I was more relaxed than panicky.
I started typing this since Wednesday, and now it's Thursday.
Katy Perry is still on.
And my Razor phone should become emo and cut itself with itself.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Coming to an end...
Surprisingly, my vacation felt like it lasted pretty long, but it still seems very short. I don't know if that made any sense, but that's how I feel. I wish it was longer, but next weekend is a 3-day weekend so no complaints to that. I seriously used so much money this past week, it's not even funny. In the past 7 days, I drank (alcohol) for 6 days. Could be 7 if I do tonight, but I have work tomorrow (wow, that's the shittiest thing I've said all week). Basically, I'm an alcoholic now. Haha.
Next vacation... end of November to beginning of December.
Possibly another Vegas trip in June?
Next vacation... end of November to beginning of December.
Possibly another Vegas trip in June?
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas...
Didn't think I would be back home this early today, but I basically did everything I planned on doing the first two days I was there and those two days definitely felt like the longest two days ever, which equals to probably the best two days of my vacation. The only downside was I used a lot, like A LOT (I mean A LOT), of money, which includes losing money in gambling. I even went over my limit of spending and had to pull out more cash in the ATM machines (in which Vegas ATM machines have the most expensive service charges ever!). But, no regrets, because it went to a good cause. Haha. Well, since I have a downside, I must have an upside... which is earlier today before we started driving back home, I won $108 at Stratosphere. That still doesn't make up for the amount I lost/spent/used/thrown out.
So all in all, I'll end this with-- what happens in Vegas, STILL stays in Vegas.
So all in all, I'll end this with-- what happens in Vegas, STILL stays in Vegas.
Friday, May 8, 2009
Friday, May 1, 2009
It's not what I think it is!
So I've been home sick yesterday and today. I thought I caught the flu, but luckily it turned out I didn't. I went to the doctor's today, and turns out I have a throat infection which made my body react due to the pain from the infection, and that caused a fever. In case you're wondering, yes, the throat infection hurts. Every time I swallow saliva or water, it feels like I'm swallowing broken glass. Not that I've ever swallowed broken glass, but I'm assuming that's what it feels like... but, I'm also probably overexaggerating, but it does hurt like a bitch.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
The Castledoor CD Release party last night was awesome. I rarely go to Indie shows, but this band is to look out for. I got one of the sixty tambourines thrown out, which was caught by my chin. Actually, I got two, but being the nice guy I am, I threw the other one back out to the crowd so more people can have one. After their performance, I noticed people with 2-3 tambourines in their hands.
Downside: I'm getting sick again. I woke up today with a horrible sore throat, and by the time I got off work, I was feeling the chills. Hope it's not the you-know-what flu. Knock on wood.
Can't get sick before vacation...
Can't get sick before vacation...
Can't get sick before vacation...
Can't get sick before vacation...
Can't get sick before vacation...
Can't get sick before vacation...
Can't get sick before vacation...
Can't get sick before vacation...
Can't get sick before vacation...
Et cetera.
PS. "Freak Dance" Closing show pictures now up on the space. Courtesy of www.vonswank.com.
Downside: I'm getting sick again. I woke up today with a horrible sore throat, and by the time I got off work, I was feeling the chills. Hope it's not the you-know-what flu. Knock on wood.
Can't get sick before vacation...
Can't get sick before vacation...
Can't get sick before vacation...
Can't get sick before vacation...
Can't get sick before vacation...
Can't get sick before vacation...
Can't get sick before vacation...
Can't get sick before vacation...
Can't get sick before vacation...
Et cetera.
PS. "Freak Dance" Closing show pictures now up on the space. Courtesy of www.vonswank.com.
Monday, April 27, 2009
So yesterday was the very last Freak Dance show ever. Sucks it had to end so early when it just felt like a start (at least to me). Every single cast member are amazingly nice, or nicely amazing, people and I'm very honored and glad I got to meet them and shared the stage with them. So thanks to them for the awesome opportunity. Again, like the last show, only Jacky and I went to do the performance, and luckily this time the Bad News Bears joined us. Bears and Snakes collaborate! Although Jacky and I aren't ALL Snakes... but you get the point. So we got there on call time which is 6:00, being the show started at 7:30. Turns out we got there early, because not everyone got there at 6:00. But, it wasn't time wasted because there was another show going on that started at 6:00... Jeff Garlin's Combo Platter featuring Natasha Leggero and Nick Thune. I got to watch from backstage/sidestage/behind the curtain, whatever. GREAT show. I would've paid to sit in the audience if I knew. I'd have to say Nick Thune killed the show, but not that Jeff and Natasha didn't, because they were funny too. In case you're not familiar with Nick Thune's comedy:
"I wish I got organic balls... so I could green tea bag someone."
Anyway, so Freak Dance starts like way passed 6:45 or so. The show was way more packed than the last one we did. There were more people sitting on side stage, and I even saw some people standing by the hall/entrance area. Crazy. I was told the line outside went all the way to the Gelson(?) supermarket. Shit's nuts. Sucks for the people who didn't get to come in to see the final show. So a couple minutes before the show officially started, the Bears showed up. Joel, Isaac and Chuy. We went over our "game plans", and that was that. I did four out of the five intermissions. Basically from the second one on to the last one... I was... Dead. Beat. Tired. But it was fun as hell. Can't wait till the video and pictures come out. Then after the show, everyone went to the afterparty at Michael Cassady's house (aka the main star of Freak Dance). It was awesome talking to everyone and just networking and stuff. Drank a lot of beer; I don't even remember how many, but I do remember the part where my left hand was holding my cup of beer, then I was talking to Scott (Rodgers) and did some kind of hand gesture with my right hand and knocked my left hand cup down on the ground and spilled my beer on the floor. Sorry Scott. Haha. Party foul = Awkward moment. I got home around 2 AM, still pretty drunk. Woke up this morning for work, still feeling the buzz. Wished it was still the weekend. But yeah, that was my Sunday. Good ol Sundays...
"I wish I got organic balls... so I could green tea bag someone."
Anyway, so Freak Dance starts like way passed 6:45 or so. The show was way more packed than the last one we did. There were more people sitting on side stage, and I even saw some people standing by the hall/entrance area. Crazy. I was told the line outside went all the way to the Gelson(?) supermarket. Shit's nuts. Sucks for the people who didn't get to come in to see the final show. So a couple minutes before the show officially started, the Bears showed up. Joel, Isaac and Chuy. We went over our "game plans", and that was that. I did four out of the five intermissions. Basically from the second one on to the last one... I was... Dead. Beat. Tired. But it was fun as hell. Can't wait till the video and pictures come out. Then after the show, everyone went to the afterparty at Michael Cassady's house (aka the main star of Freak Dance). It was awesome talking to everyone and just networking and stuff. Drank a lot of beer; I don't even remember how many, but I do remember the part where my left hand was holding my cup of beer, then I was talking to Scott (Rodgers) and did some kind of hand gesture with my right hand and knocked my left hand cup down on the ground and spilled my beer on the floor. Sorry Scott. Haha. Party foul = Awkward moment. I got home around 2 AM, still pretty drunk. Woke up this morning for work, still feeling the buzz. Wished it was still the weekend. But yeah, that was my Sunday. Good ol Sundays...
Monday, April 20, 2009
Yes Man....
Monday, April 13, 2009
One month gone.
So due to the downage of internet and me not caring about it so much, I got a lot done. Makes me think I should cut the internet more often. Anyway, let's see what's new...
Wrist injury.
Pain in the ass. I had no idea how my wrist got hurt; it just started hurting one night after riding my bike. And that was over a month ago. Wrist pain lead to less practice, no bike riding, and more movie watching. The pain comes and goes, so I don't know if it's recovered right this second. Damn sneaky wrist pains.
New car.
2009 Scion xB in white. Not my first choice of color, but I got used to it. I'm anti-rice-rocket, but I'll have to admit, my car looks pretty riced out due to all the extra upgrades put on it. Having it less than a month, there's already two different occasions of damage on it. Some fuck hit the back driver side wheel when pulling in or out of a parking space (from what it looks like). And another was from the car wash that scratched up my front driver side rim. I forgot to add, the wheels alone costs over $2000. I hate people that can't respect other people's cars, especially NEW cars. I hope they get in a horrible, horrible accident in their shit car. No, that's mean, but yeah, fuck them.
World of Dance.
No idea how I got in for free, but I did. Didn't get to meet Rino, so that was a bummer. And walked in while they were taking their bow AFTER their performance. I'd rather have watched that than Born vs. Lil Rock, aka the huge disappointing exhibition ever created. Other than that, it was fun. Only because we didn't have to pay. For the record, Rino has been my all-time favorite female dancer and a huge inspiration to me to become a better dancer/person. Just an FYI. That sounded so noobish and corny. Damn.
"Freak Dance".
Basically from the first Battle Snakes debut performance, everyone flaked out except me. I got Jacky to do it with me (no homo), and surprisingly, we killllllled it. The show was sold out packed that some audience members had to sit on the side of the stage. The show was also filmed, so hopefully I get to get ahold of that footage. As I was coming out of the backstage door, this guy who looked super familiar and I'm pretty positive he's an actor in a sitcom or something, told me we ripped it. That was awesome. But not as awesome as the hot girls that also said the same thing. Last show ever on the 26th. Also getting filmed. After party afterwards.
PS. This internet is still pretty overrated.
Wrist injury.
Pain in the ass. I had no idea how my wrist got hurt; it just started hurting one night after riding my bike. And that was over a month ago. Wrist pain lead to less practice, no bike riding, and more movie watching. The pain comes and goes, so I don't know if it's recovered right this second. Damn sneaky wrist pains.
New car.
2009 Scion xB in white. Not my first choice of color, but I got used to it. I'm anti-rice-rocket, but I'll have to admit, my car looks pretty riced out due to all the extra upgrades put on it. Having it less than a month, there's already two different occasions of damage on it. Some fuck hit the back driver side wheel when pulling in or out of a parking space (from what it looks like). And another was from the car wash that scratched up my front driver side rim. I forgot to add, the wheels alone costs over $2000. I hate people that can't respect other people's cars, especially NEW cars. I hope they get in a horrible, horrible accident in their shit car. No, that's mean, but yeah, fuck them.
World of Dance.
No idea how I got in for free, but I did. Didn't get to meet Rino, so that was a bummer. And walked in while they were taking their bow AFTER their performance. I'd rather have watched that than Born vs. Lil Rock, aka the huge disappointing exhibition ever created. Other than that, it was fun. Only because we didn't have to pay. For the record, Rino has been my all-time favorite female dancer and a huge inspiration to me to become a better dancer/person. Just an FYI. That sounded so noobish and corny. Damn.
"Freak Dance".
Basically from the first Battle Snakes debut performance, everyone flaked out except me. I got Jacky to do it with me (no homo), and surprisingly, we killllllled it. The show was sold out packed that some audience members had to sit on the side of the stage. The show was also filmed, so hopefully I get to get ahold of that footage. As I was coming out of the backstage door, this guy who looked super familiar and I'm pretty positive he's an actor in a sitcom or something, told me we ripped it. That was awesome. But not as awesome as the hot girls that also said the same thing. Last show ever on the 26th. Also getting filmed. After party afterwards.
PS. This internet is still pretty overrated.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
So ten minutes ago, I was cleaning my turtle bowl. Since I never took a picture of it, use your imagination... It's one of those giant champagne looking cups, but as big as a punch bowl. Well, kinda. Anyway, as I was scrubbing the thing in the sink, the bowl exploded and broken glass cut up my left hand. Now it's still bleeding. I'm not really upset about the fact that my hand got cut up (although I am), but mainly because the turtle is now living in a temporary plastic bucket. Not just any plastic bucket, but a white plastic bucket... meaning the turtle can't see what's going on outside unless he looks up... which is a white ceiling.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Bitch and whine and stuff.
My back is still hurting from two weeks ago. I hate going to practices and just sitting around, but I also hate after doing something then the back pain kicks in. I think I need a massage.
I've been lacking sleep. I even lacked sleep this weekend. I think I should do something about that. It's doing me no good. I feel asleep at work today sitting upwards while I was pretending to read documents, and I swear I had a dream going. And that was only like 15 seconds deep. Then the phone rang.
I almost broke my wrist last night. But I didn't. So it doesn't count. So I shouldn't have typed this paragraph.
It's almost time to car shop again. That means I need to cough up a shitload of money (that I probably don't have) to down payment.
I need more money. Like more more money. Like more than now, times five or six. Or seven, but then I would sound greedy.
Semi-conversation worth mentioning:
Her: "I suck at maff."
Me: "And English."
Her: "What?"
Me: "Huh?"
An asian lady on the phone today said she wanted to "double confirm" our office phone number when she called. Double check? Or confirm twice?
My right index finger tip hurts. So I'm clicking the mouse with my right middle finger.
My turtle hasn't been eating for the past couple days. I suck at having a pet. All the food I put in the bowl is sinking.
Two and a half more months till vacation. And I think I know where it's heading.
My new pet peeve is when I'm in the elevator and I finally reach the floor I'm trying to get off at, the door opens, and people walk right in before the door opens all the way and before they even see that there's people trying to get out. I just want to be like, "Bitch, let me get out first." Then end it with a "...Motherfucker." And then press all the level-buttons before I get out.
I've been lacking sleep. I even lacked sleep this weekend. I think I should do something about that. It's doing me no good. I feel asleep at work today sitting upwards while I was pretending to read documents, and I swear I had a dream going. And that was only like 15 seconds deep. Then the phone rang.
I almost broke my wrist last night. But I didn't. So it doesn't count. So I shouldn't have typed this paragraph.
It's almost time to car shop again. That means I need to cough up a shitload of money (that I probably don't have) to down payment.
I need more money. Like more more money. Like more than now, times five or six. Or seven, but then I would sound greedy.
Semi-conversation worth mentioning:
Her: "I suck at maff."
Me: "And English."
Her: "What?"
Me: "Huh?"
An asian lady on the phone today said she wanted to "double confirm" our office phone number when she called. Double check? Or confirm twice?
My right index finger tip hurts. So I'm clicking the mouse with my right middle finger.
My turtle hasn't been eating for the past couple days. I suck at having a pet. All the food I put in the bowl is sinking.
Two and a half more months till vacation. And I think I know where it's heading.
My new pet peeve is when I'm in the elevator and I finally reach the floor I'm trying to get off at, the door opens, and people walk right in before the door opens all the way and before they even see that there's people trying to get out. I just want to be like, "Bitch, let me get out first." Then end it with a "...Motherfucker." And then press all the level-buttons before I get out.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Aluminum foil tape.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Friday the 13th, Valentines Day, President's Day...
To sum up the past couple days...
Adventures of Bot and Pants, sushi, fake ID, sake bombs, Mickeys, drunk driving, driving and drinking, Walmart, drunken Walmart adventures, peeing in Walmart restrooms times three, ugly rat tail haircuts, et cetera... Haha.
Lonely drives around town is fun, lonely thrift shopping minus the shopping, lonely gas pumping, lonely errands with no errands to run.
Cancelled photoshoot due to no rain, or the other way around, or nevermind. Busy people, I guess.
Work on President's Day, rain, no hail, cold as fuck, fucking cold... and stuff.
Adventures of Bot and Pants, sushi, fake ID, sake bombs, Mickeys, drunk driving, driving and drinking, Walmart, drunken Walmart adventures, peeing in Walmart restrooms times three, ugly rat tail haircuts, et cetera... Haha.
Lonely drives around town is fun, lonely thrift shopping minus the shopping, lonely gas pumping, lonely errands with no errands to run.
Cancelled photoshoot due to no rain, or the other way around, or nevermind. Busy people, I guess.
Work on President's Day, rain, no hail, cold as fuck, fucking cold... and stuff.
Monday, February 9, 2009
If I could punch rain in the face, I would.
Today's Souled Out photoshoot was postponed till next Sunday due to the rain. I guess that's a good thing because my right shoulder is still sore. But seriously though, the rain is cool for like a day or two; but when it keeps doing it, it's getting kinda annoying. I'm only being selfish cause my car is clean enough for me now. Pretty much I just stayed home today and watched some movies. "My Best Friend's Girl" and "Get Smart". I only saw half of "Get Smart" because I fell asleep. Nap is fun.
Also, the show we're supposed to do on the 27th is cancelled. Well, the show isn't cancelled; we're just not hired to do it anymore. We were supposed to be Kaba Modern's replacement dance crew after they bailed out. The party wanted to hire a choreo-based crew, and wasn't really interested in a bboy-based crew, so they didn't want to hire us. Oh well. Their lost. Our lost too, cause we won't be getting paid anymore. Sonofabitch.
Also, the show we're supposed to do on the 27th is cancelled. Well, the show isn't cancelled; we're just not hired to do it anymore. We were supposed to be Kaba Modern's replacement dance crew after they bailed out. The party wanted to hire a choreo-based crew, and wasn't really interested in a bboy-based crew, so they didn't want to hire us. Oh well. Their lost. Our lost too, cause we won't be getting paid anymore. Sonofabitch.
Monday, February 2, 2009
Bittersweet And Lowdownunder.
When I feel like I'm making more money, something always ends up taking it away. I went home for my lunch break today, and the hospital called regarding my mom's finger cutting visit. Since my mom doesn't have insurance, they gave us this option: Pay $320 hospital fees by TODAY, or else the cost will be $1400-something ridiculous. And that doesn't even include the doctor's fee. I mean, dude, what the fuck. They gave my mom a shot, and wrapped her finger up with stuff to stop the bleeding and that costs $1400-something. My brother and I aren't letting my mom pay for the bill, so we're going to cover it, but that shit's expensive! And supposedly the lady on the phone today fucked up, cause she told me we had to pay the $320 today or the price will be $1400-something starting tomorrow, when we received a letter on Saturday saying the $320 charge is for until February 8th.
Saturday was Sam's birthday. We went to Koreatown for All-You-Can-Eat Korean BBQ, then smelled like All-You-Can-Eat Korean BBQ. I don't know how you can smell like the All-You-Can-Eat part, but I'm sure you'll know it's All-You-Can-Eat when you smell All-You-Can-Eat. Good thing I went home to change my clothes, then went to the Deck party. Sam then dented my passenger car door by swinging it open onto a cement bench! I only had one beer and half a cup of wine all night. I think that's why it felt so boring that night at the Deck. Haha.
Sunday was Sweet N Lowdown. Alex and I (BATTLE SNAKES ASIA!) had to battle Boogie Brats for the prelims... yes, Kmel and that little girl. I don't know her name, but she's going to be so sick one day. Not that she isn't right now. I hate my hat for falling off and my hands for going on top of it during my backwards crab walk, making me slip on my chin. It's weird that my hat always falls, but my "glasses" never falls. Lenseless FTW. So we didn't make top 8, but at least I can now say that I've battled Kmel. And to top it off, the fight was great. Especially since I was on the balcony with the best view. And to top that off, FREE BEER! It may have been not so cold and a little flat, but nothing beats FREE. And I was tempted to piss everyone off on the restroom line by actually taking a shower.
I'm sore.
Saturday was Sam's birthday. We went to Koreatown for All-You-Can-Eat Korean BBQ, then smelled like All-You-Can-Eat Korean BBQ. I don't know how you can smell like the All-You-Can-Eat part, but I'm sure you'll know it's All-You-Can-Eat when you smell All-You-Can-Eat. Good thing I went home to change my clothes, then went to the Deck party. Sam then dented my passenger car door by swinging it open onto a cement bench! I only had one beer and half a cup of wine all night. I think that's why it felt so boring that night at the Deck. Haha.
Sunday was Sweet N Lowdown. Alex and I (BATTLE SNAKES ASIA!) had to battle Boogie Brats for the prelims... yes, Kmel and that little girl. I don't know her name, but she's going to be so sick one day. Not that she isn't right now. I hate my hat for falling off and my hands for going on top of it during my backwards crab walk, making me slip on my chin. It's weird that my hat always falls, but my "glasses" never falls. Lenseless FTW. So we didn't make top 8, but at least I can now say that I've battled Kmel. And to top it off, the fight was great. Especially since I was on the balcony with the best view. And to top that off, FREE BEER! It may have been not so cold and a little flat, but nothing beats FREE. And I was tempted to piss everyone off on the restroom line by actually taking a shower.
I'm sore.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
New Years Eve of the Chinese.
What a random unexpecting day. I went to sleep last night at like 4:00 AM, woke up at 8:00 AM, thinking it was already 11:00 or 12:00 in the afternoon. During that time, I still felt the drunkness from last night at Riverside at Shawn's house warming party. Haha. So when I finally realized what time it was, I went back to sleep. Woke up again and got a bad headache. Spent the rest of the day with a hangover. I don't even remember much of what happened last night. There were a couple occasions where I don't even remember if I paid for what I took out of the store (aka gas station food mart). I think the best part of the night was when we left the party by jumping over the fence from the backyard/side of the house. I managed to drive from Riverside to Claremont to Alhambra to Monterey Park, so that was a good thing.
Earlier tonight, my mom was preparing dinner for the family. My brother and his girlfriend was here for dinner, and we were watching Tropic Thunder. Then all of a sudden, my mom accidentally chopped off a piece of her finger while cutting meat. The bleeding wouldn't stop, so we took her to the emergency room (along with the missing piece of finger). I was at the waiting room for like 2.5 to 3 hours. I don't remember. But it was long... and I was starving... with a hangover. So finally after the long wait, my mom's finger got wrapped up pretty good, but you can still see that it's still bleeding. Before the accident, she didn't even eat anything all day, so we thought she would pass out or something for bleeding nonstop for a couple hours. She's a trooper cause she pulled through.
(Note: When I said my mom cut off a piece of her finger, it's just a decent sized chunk of meat. Probably not what you're thinking with the bone and all. Gross. Just clearing this up because a couple of people sounded like they got grossed out earlier when I told them through text messaging.)
Earlier tonight, my mom was preparing dinner for the family. My brother and his girlfriend was here for dinner, and we were watching Tropic Thunder. Then all of a sudden, my mom accidentally chopped off a piece of her finger while cutting meat. The bleeding wouldn't stop, so we took her to the emergency room (along with the missing piece of finger). I was at the waiting room for like 2.5 to 3 hours. I don't remember. But it was long... and I was starving... with a hangover. So finally after the long wait, my mom's finger got wrapped up pretty good, but you can still see that it's still bleeding. Before the accident, she didn't even eat anything all day, so we thought she would pass out or something for bleeding nonstop for a couple hours. She's a trooper cause she pulled through.
(Note: When I said my mom cut off a piece of her finger, it's just a decent sized chunk of meat. Probably not what you're thinking with the bone and all. Gross. Just clearing this up because a couple of people sounded like they got grossed out earlier when I told them through text messaging.)
Saturday, January 24, 2009
I'm so sore. My hip is bruised. And I rolled my ankle last night at practice.
I don't like the rain, but I needed a car wash, so thanks to that.
I want to ride my bike, but I don't like dodging puddles.
What a post not worth posting.
I don't like the rain, but I needed a car wash, so thanks to that.
I want to ride my bike, but I don't like dodging puddles.
What a post not worth posting.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Tomorrow we celebrate MLK, so I don't have to sleep at this hour.
Here's a few pictures from Friday night's performance at "Freak Dance":
Group picture backstage. I was in the middle of text messaging. And apparently, everyone outside of the 626 likes to put their arms around each other. Haha.

Curtain call... where's Harry?

Jmal folding an oragami paper without the paper.

A little too late now, Harry!

All the performance pictures came out too dark.
More pictures in my... space.
PS. I don't really celebrate MLK Day. I just like the day off. That's all.
PSS. Click pictures for full size. Stupid blogspot doesn't resize on it's own.
Group picture backstage. I was in the middle of text messaging. And apparently, everyone outside of the 626 likes to put their arms around each other. Haha.

Curtain call... where's Harry?

Jmal folding an oragami paper without the paper.

A little too late now, Harry!

All the performance pictures came out too dark.
More pictures in my... space.
PS. I don't really celebrate MLK Day. I just like the day off. That's all.
PSS. Click pictures for full size. Stupid blogspot doesn't resize on it's own.
Friday, January 16, 2009
Sick again.
I've been getting sick at least once a month, which blows... like my nose. And being sick makes me type lame stuff like the previous sentence. I mean, I'm already lame most of the time, but I could get pretty severe and hit ultimate "EPIC FAIL". (Note: If it's in quotes, I don't use that term.)
Anyway, I just took two DayQuils, and it's 1:00 AM. I know what enhanced my sickness too. Energy drinks 3-nights in a row is probably the biggest help. Tea during the day isn't helping either. And definitely not the Mexican food we just ate at Riverside.
I also noticed that this week seems to be sooo long when I'm out every night and going to sleep late. It's barely Friday tomorrow... or later today when I wake up. Felt like it should've been Friday of next week by now.
Tomorrow, we'll be performing at this:

That flier is old, because Bad News Bears are no longer doing it, so we're taking over.
Anyway, I'm tired, sore, and sick, so I should go to bed... or should've been in bed and this blog shouldn't have existed.
Anyway, I just took two DayQuils, and it's 1:00 AM. I know what enhanced my sickness too. Energy drinks 3-nights in a row is probably the biggest help. Tea during the day isn't helping either. And definitely not the Mexican food we just ate at Riverside.
I also noticed that this week seems to be sooo long when I'm out every night and going to sleep late. It's barely Friday tomorrow... or later today when I wake up. Felt like it should've been Friday of next week by now.
Tomorrow, we'll be performing at this:

That flier is old, because Bad News Bears are no longer doing it, so we're taking over.
Anyway, I'm tired, sore, and sick, so I should go to bed... or should've been in bed and this blog shouldn't have existed.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Satunday is the midnight in between weekends.
It's 4:18 AM. I'm pretty wide awake. So let's try to blog about something worth blogging about as my second blog entry since I signed up for this blog thing of a blog. Wow, this word gets old quick.
Anyway. Let's see... Went to New Kids 4 today. It was loooong. (None of that "that's what she said" bullshit.) It was pretty good though. Left during the semis or quarters; I don't even know.
Last night, we were at the Deck till like... late. I don't remember what time I got home, but I just know I went to sleep at 5:30 AM. And my dad was just waking up. Why was he even up that early; I don't know. I fell asleep. I never knew how annoying it is to hear white girls with annoying voices talk about "pec pecs" to black guys in a 24 hour Korean restaurant. For Christ's sake, it's a restaurant; shut the fuck up.
So the ETC 2007 clip on Youtube got in trouble for copyright infringment. Haha. Misuse of music. That's gay. Good news: Clip is still up. Bad news: There's no audio. Thanks a lot, Youtube. Now all those "what's that song" comments in the clip will look ridiculous. Here it is in case you want to watch the video... literally JUST the video.
So this year, I'm taking two vacations off work. One in May for my birthday, and one in November/December during Thanksgiving. I hope I actually do something this time and not waste vacation days for nothing like this past year. Well, I can't really complain about waking up late, because it's a vacation at least to me.
I haven't wrote my bike for a whole week. I know I typed "wrote" by accident, and I don't feel like changing it because that's a sign saying I should get off the computer and go to bed. But back to the subject, I think I should ride tomorrow. That's all.
Nothing else is coming to mind other than the fact that I'm looking at the two red stamps on both of my hands from earlier that I need to wash off. I think I should do that right now.
Anyway. Let's see... Went to New Kids 4 today. It was loooong. (None of that "that's what she said" bullshit.) It was pretty good though. Left during the semis or quarters; I don't even know.
Last night, we were at the Deck till like... late. I don't remember what time I got home, but I just know I went to sleep at 5:30 AM. And my dad was just waking up. Why was he even up that early; I don't know. I fell asleep. I never knew how annoying it is to hear white girls with annoying voices talk about "pec pecs" to black guys in a 24 hour Korean restaurant. For Christ's sake, it's a restaurant; shut the fuck up.
So the ETC 2007 clip on Youtube got in trouble for copyright infringment. Haha. Misuse of music. That's gay. Good news: Clip is still up. Bad news: There's no audio. Thanks a lot, Youtube. Now all those "what's that song" comments in the clip will look ridiculous. Here it is in case you want to watch the video... literally JUST the video.
So this year, I'm taking two vacations off work. One in May for my birthday, and one in November/December during Thanksgiving. I hope I actually do something this time and not waste vacation days for nothing like this past year. Well, I can't really complain about waking up late, because it's a vacation at least to me.
I haven't wrote my bike for a whole week. I know I typed "wrote" by accident, and I don't feel like changing it because that's a sign saying I should get off the computer and go to bed. But back to the subject, I think I should ride tomorrow. That's all.
Nothing else is coming to mind other than the fact that I'm looking at the two red stamps on both of my hands from earlier that I need to wash off. I think I should do that right now.
Friday, January 9, 2009
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