Monday, June 15, 2009

Lost Vegas.

Going to Vegas one month later wasn't really a great idea. I mean, I had fun, but it seemed like I did so much the time I was there last month that I got tired of everything quick. But, I had fun. I think all weekend, I slept like 5-6 hours altogether. We did get to do a bunch of fun stuff that I didn't do last month like going to the Shark Reef at Mandalay Bay and watching the KA Cirque Du Soleil show at MGM. I took a lot of fish pictures (at Shark Reef) for some reason and nothing else on the trip. KA was cool, but a bit on the expensive side. I think it was just worth 75% of how much the actual ticket costed. I think I would've enjoyed it more if I wasn't holding in piss in my bladder for about an hour and a half. And when I finally couldn't hold it anymore, and had to walk through the aisle, having people scrunch their legs so I could go through to my restroom destination... I missed the finale of the show when I came back out! Well, I guess I didn't miss THAT much because I got to see the fireworks and fire stuff and stuff... stuff... but I missed whatever led to that part. Oh well. I was too intoxicated to even know what the storyline was anyway. And then later on that night, I lost like 1-3 $20 bills because it fell out of my pocket. I don't know how many $20 bills there were folded up because I was drunk, like I've mentioned before. Then when we got back to our hotel/casino, I put $5 in the Wheel Of Fortune slot machine and won $16.25 in like 30 seconds. And that's mainly what happened this weekend.

1 comment:

  1. man, i wish i went to Vegas before i left for Hawaii.

    anyways.. yeah, i'm gonna be here in Hawaii for a long while.. talkin years. but i will be back. just not sure when. i'll probably figure that out in 2 years. haha!

    you get to see all the beautiful PICTURES i'll be posting! yay pictures! hahaha!
