Wednesday, March 4, 2009


So ten minutes ago, I was cleaning my turtle bowl. Since I never took a picture of it, use your imagination... It's one of those giant champagne looking cups, but as big as a punch bowl. Well, kinda. Anyway, as I was scrubbing the thing in the sink, the bowl exploded and broken glass cut up my left hand. Now it's still bleeding. I'm not really upset about the fact that my hand got cut up (although I am), but mainly because the turtle is now living in a temporary plastic bucket. Not just any plastic bucket, but a white plastic bucket... meaning the turtle can't see what's going on outside unless he looks up... which is a white ceiling.

1 comment:

  1. Uh oh! Poor turtle. :(
    [And your hand too, but not as much.]

    Regarding my horrible stalking skills: "It's okay I'll you how to do it properly next time."
    Implying that you at least know how to be a stalker. These skills can only be acquired by being a stalker. Therefore, you are a stalker too.

    And yeah, car washing services were exactly what I was talking about.
