When I feel like I'm making more money, something always ends up taking it away. I went home for my lunch break today, and the hospital called regarding my mom's finger cutting visit. Since my mom doesn't have insurance, they gave us this option: Pay $320 hospital fees by TODAY, or else the cost will be $1400-something ridiculous. And that doesn't even include the doctor's fee. I mean, dude, what the fuck. They gave my mom a shot, and wrapped her finger up with stuff to stop the bleeding and that costs $1400-something. My brother and I aren't letting my mom pay for the bill, so we're going to cover it, but that shit's expensive! And supposedly the lady on the phone today fucked up, cause she told me we had to pay the $320 today or the price will be $1400-something starting tomorrow, when we received a letter on Saturday saying the $320 charge is for until February 8th.
Saturday was Sam's birthday. We went to Koreatown for All-You-Can-Eat Korean BBQ, then smelled like All-You-Can-Eat Korean BBQ. I don't know how you can smell like the All-You-Can-Eat part, but I'm sure you'll know it's All-You-Can-Eat when you smell All-You-Can-Eat. Good thing I went home to change my clothes, then went to the Deck party. Sam then dented my passenger car door by swinging it open onto a cement bench! I only had one beer and half a cup of wine all night. I think that's why it felt so boring that night at the Deck. Haha.
Sunday was Sweet N Lowdown. Alex and I (BATTLE SNAKES ASIA!) had to battle Boogie Brats for the prelims... yes, Kmel and that little girl. I don't know her name, but she's going to be so sick one day. Not that she isn't right now. I hate my hat for falling off and my hands for going on top of it during my backwards crab walk, making me slip on my chin. It's weird that my hat always falls, but my "glasses" never falls. Lenseless FTW. So we didn't make top 8, but at least I can now say that I've battled Kmel. And to top it off, the fight was great. Especially since I was on the balcony with the best view. And to top that off, FREE BEER! It may have been not so cold and a little flat, but nothing beats FREE. And I was tempted to piss everyone off on the restroom line by actually taking a shower.
I'm sore.