Saturday was Mike and Jen's wedding. Couldn't be any more happy for them. I'm very honored to be apart of the special occassion, as in being one of the groomsmen. I got partnered up with Aida, and that was great because she's the only bridesmaid I know from the bunch. I think we did a good job, other than the speed walking versus the slow motion walk and the half-assed "dance routine" introduction. Hahaha. I only say it's half-assed because it is compared to everyone else's. But ours ruled even at that. I also had a quick 30-secondish cameo on Mike's "Dangerous" routine, and it turned out okay but very sloppy, even though I haven't practiced or stretched in more than a week due to my knee injury (which was still injured at the time, and NOW). I also got to reunite with my long time, once best friend since 5th grade to high school days, Philip. Goooood times. Then I spent $67 at the bar. When I went home to change out of the tux rental so I could return it back to Mike since he lives near the rental shop, my mom happened to be up at the time to use the restroom and smelled beer in my breath and asked if I have been drinking. Hahaha. I think that's the first time ever that I got caught driving home while intoxicated. The funny part is, I left home again quickly after that.
Weddings are fun. Congrats to Mike and Jen once again.
Pictures are on my space.